
Our web site will help the user by planning a whole tour with details for him. User will interact with our system with a provided interface where he will provide input about the names of desire locations, user will able to select multiple places and he will able to schedule the visit of that places as he desired. After that, the system will provide a tour plan for user by providing him maximum three paths to reach his destination with total time and distance details for each path. The system will also suggest the most visited places to user. User can view details about a certain place by searching it by using our user-friendly interface, the details are including images, reviews, ratings of that place and some historical background of that place. User will also able to share his/her reviews about that places.

Click Here to download the documentation of proposed system.

Goals & Objectives

  • User gets the recommendation of the places of their preferences.
  • User can search any place in Lahore
  • User can easily view the place on map with its three alternative paths, time and distance from destination to searched path, description and images.
  • The website also provide most visited places by user
  • System GUI is easy to use
  • The system in robust and secure in nature

Tourist Guide

User X
User Y

POI Ratings

Featured on the week

  • Badshahi Mosque

    This historical site, built more than 400 years ago, serves to remind us the golden era of Islam where more than 50,000 pack the grounds of this site to worship and pray.Marvellous and glorious architecture. Loved the richness of the old days. Was amazed to hear that it was approx 400 years old and was still looking young

  • Jilani's Park

    There is a a very comfortable and well maintained jogging track which goes around the whole park, there are swings and a play area for the kids on one side

  • Food Street

    Elicious food in the heart of Lahore, having many historic places around. You can make the experience memorable by going in the afternoon, visit Lahore Fort, Badshahi Mosque and then Greater Iqbal Park. Once you are tired, you can enjoy food on food street.


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